UClose Realtor Program

Younited is clear-to-close to closing in just six clicks. Click. Click. Click. Click. Click. Close.

Introducing the fastest, easiest, most revolutionary way to close your loans.
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Close More Business Faster

UClose is an exclusive online tool that gives your loan officer the power to go from clear-to-close to closing in just a few minutes and puts money on the table in less than an hour. How? By making them the closer.

UClose is offered exclusively by Seattle mortgage company Seattle's Mortgage Broker.

With UClose, the loan officer is in complete control of the closing process. They create the closing docs. They schedule the closing. So there's no waiting for someone on the closing team to prepare and send your documents and no searching for a slot in a crowded closing schedule.

UClose is pre-populated with data from the Closing Disclosure - so there's no extra work - and features automated calculations that help eliminate errors.

With our exclusive Instant Funding, you won't wind up waiting on a wire at the closing table. Simply put, UClose is the fastest, easiest way to close and it's only available from SMB. Talk to your SMB Loan Officer today.

Key Benefits:

  • Your file goes from CTC to TRID-compliant docs in minutes
  • Schedule your own closing - not just same day, but same hour
  • Look like the hero with our exclusive Instant Funding

What they're saying about it

"This is a paradigm shift for us! We are always looking for ways to streamline our operations. Our first UClose saved our lock - due to an appraisal delay - and we were able to close on time! #lifesaver"

Shawn Lee

Lending With a Purpose

Lending With a Purpose is more than a tagline; It’s what drives us to be our best.

At SMB we understand each mortgage we provide helps a family locally but also has the ability to provide sustainable, salubrious economic opportunity to those most in need.

Learn how we give back

“I alone cannot change 
the world, but I can cast 
a stone across the waters 
to create many ripples.”

Mother Teresa